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Take heart


So many things happened in the month of May, that it is hard to choose only a few to share. 

Life as a family of four is a very busy life.  Our little Erin turned three months, and she has gotten sick already twice.  The first time, was after she got some vaccines and the second time… We are not sure.  What we do know is that it was very difficult to see her sick, and not being able to give her medication or to figure out what she was feeling.  She had temperatures that kept going up and down, watery eyes, a very strong cough and the saddest of all symptoms:  She didn´t have enough voice to cry.  Oh!  It was so heartbreaking to see our baby girl suffering.  There were some days when she didn´t even want to nurse. 

As we were trying to help her feel better and take care of her, I also got sick and that made it extremely hard for me to take care of her and myself.  Those were two very difficult and long weeks, but thank God, both of us are doing excellent now. 

We have only been parents for almost three years, but one of the things that we have more clear today is that God may seem silent sometimes, but he does care.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.

Ever since we started working with Vine, we have seen how God brings people to us with a need that can be filled by something in the warehouse.   One day we received a phone call from a partner who had their director from the US here, and they wanted to visit Vine´s warehouse.  He told us that recently they donated some exam gloves and isolation gowns to Vine and he was happy to discover that some were here in the warehouse already.

Days later, their Director for Guatemala told us that he knew some people in need of wheelchairs and one of them had spoken to us before, but she had been trying to find a way to come to the warehouse and pick up a few wheelchairs; one for her and her husband and two more for students of a computer school for people who need to work and lack formal education.  We were surprised to see that they knew each other.  He also brought other people in need, and his dad, a pastor/dentist who serves providing dental clinics for people who can´t afford care.

Silla de Ruedas Esc Informatica

A few days before, we heard about a young man who had an accident and broke some of his teeth.  We were worried because his job as a security guard does not give him sick days. We were happy to put both in contact.  Days later, the young man received free dental care and thank God he is doing much better today.

One of them was a gentleman already in a wheelchair.  He was there because one of his friends was unable to walk due to a stray bullet.  He was very grateful for the wheelchair.  Jason told him that God is the provider of these wheelchairs and that even though we don’t know why bad things happen, we know God deeply cares for us.  He gave him a hug and this gentleman left Vine with tears in his eyes. Later we found out he didn´t believe in God.

I have to say that I understand how this man feels.  It is horrible to deal with physical problems, with health issues and sometimes it doesn´t make sense why bad things happen.

But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

Even though we don´t understand why suffering exists, why some of us have the blessing of walking and others don’t, all we can do is to remember that God is with us, even when we can’t see his purpose.

We also heard about José, an 8 year old who was being carried by his mom to school every day.  She was putting him on her back and she would walk 2.4 miles with him every day.  One of his teachers contacted us and we were happy to provide him with a wheelchair.  His family is extremely happy and grateful.  We always tell people that the wheelchairs come from God.  He touches the hearts of Vine’s donors and they give as to show the love of Christ.

Jose posing for a picture in his new wheelchair at his school.

It is our prayer that no matter what tribulation you are going through, you take refuge in the Lord and remember that problems are temporary but he will never forsake you.

Please keep praying for God´s wisdom and provision for our family as we work for Vine.

God bless you,


The Ryders

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